Year One Meadowside

Nurturing curiosity, courage and kindness

W.C 06.11.23

Welcome back Year 1! We hope you have all had a brilliant break with lots of time to relax and time to have fun. Our latest class newsletter is attached below and a paper copy should have come home in children’s book bags too.

Newsletter Autumn 2

RE week

We are having a brilliant first week back that started with us learning all about Diwali, the Hindu festival of light.

We have been making Rangoli patterns out of different beans and pulses , beads and watercolours .

In our English lessons we have been learning about an Islamic storyย  ‘The Crying Camel’. We worked in small groups to role play the story.

Thank you

Miss Campey, Miss Jenkins, Miss Shelton, Mrs Gilbody and Miss Edwards ๐Ÿ™‚



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W.C 09.10.23


In English this week we are focusing on ways to help us remember and map the story of Beegu so we can re-tell the story from memory. We have created actions to go with each part of the story, made storyboards using pictures from the story and created simple story maps using pictures and symbols to help us. Next week we will be publishing our work in our very best handwriting.

Big Idea

In Science over the last few weeks we have been exploring our 5 senses. We started off looking at our sense of sight and how much we rely on this to understand the world around us. We played games that relied on our sense of sight then tried them again blindfolded to see how tricky it was. We also had a turn in a blackout tent to understand the idea that our eyes need light in order for us to see.

Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

Miss Campey, Mrs Gill, Mrs Gilbody and Miss Shelton ๐Ÿ™‚


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W.C 02.09.23


In Maths this week we have been comparing numbers using the language and symbols of greater than, less than and equal to. We made our numbers out of cubes so we could see which number was greater than, less than or equal to.


Thank you so much for everyone’s hard work doing your reading and spelling sheets at home. Here are some fun ideas to help children practice their spellings with you at home! It can be colourful and fun to do your spellings together so let me know which idea you like the best!



Following on from our learning last week on understanding what a sentence is, we have been writing our own sentences about pictures from our class text Beegu. We have just started learning about the stages in a story and talking about the beginning, middle and end of a story and what each part includes. We thought about a story like a train with a separate beginning, middle and end and found the beginning, middle and end of some well known stories such as Jack and the beanstalk, The three little pigs and Goldilocks.

The children have worked incredibly hard on their reading this week too and it has been a pleasure to hear them all read during our reading groups. Well done on another brilliant week Year 1 !

Miss Campey, Mrs Gill, Mrs Gilbody and Miss Shelton ๐Ÿ™‚



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W.C 25.09.23

Well done on another brilliant week Year 1! we have worked really hard this week on being ready for our learning and being respectful to each other and to the resources in our classroom. We have been making sure we have been tidying up our classroom carefully and leaving our different areas of provision nice for the next children to use.


Our learning in maths this week has been focused around finding one more and one less than a given number. We used lots of practical resources to help up with our learning.


In English this week we have been learning all about sentences. We have been using our checklist in class to make sure that our sentences always start with a capital letter, end with a punctuation mark, make sense and have spaces between the words.

Challenge- ca you make a sentence using the words below?


In Science lessonย  this week we carried out a simple investigation linked to our learning on the human body . We wanted to find out if the oldest children had the largest feet. We will talk about our results in lesson next week but collected all the data we needed to answer our question.

Thank you

Miss Campey, Mrs Gill and the Year 1 team ๐Ÿ™‚

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W.C 18.09.23


Our learning in Maths this week has been about counting on from any number and finding one more and one less from a given number. We have also continued practicing counting forwards and backwards up to 50!

Challenge- See if you can count forwards and backwards using the video to help you!


We have had a very crafty week as part of our learning journey in English. We have designed and made Beegu’s home planet and designed and made a friend for Beegu as in the story she is lost and alone. The children have loved bringing their learning to life and we have had some brilliant discussions around the story.

Key Questions- What would the sky look like? What will the landscape be? Do you think she blends into her environment or stands out as she does on Earth? Why? What might you see? What might you hear? What colours would there be? Why?



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Please remember to bring book bags to school on a Monday so I can make sure you all have new reading books and spellings for the week ahead. Thank you for all your amazing support at home with reading and spellings, it was lovely to read how well you have all been doing at home!


Thank you again

Miss Campey, Mrs Gill and the Year 1 team ๐Ÿ™‚


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Our amazing week!

Year 1 have had a brilliant start to our Autumn term and have been learning lots across our curriculum. Well done Year 1!


In Maths we have been focusing on sorting and counting. Children have been sorting objects by colour and type and we have been practicing our counting up to 50!

Challenge – Can you count backwards from 20 down to 0 ? How high can you count?


To launch our High quality text for English ‘ Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon,ย  Year 1 had to investigate a crash scene and decide what they think had happened. We used magnifying glasses and clipboards to look carefully and talk about the clues we had found.


Big Idea

Our learning in History this half term is all around toys with our key enquiry question ‘What were toys like when Grandma was young?’ We were very lucky to have Lauren from the Knaresborough Toy Library come to visit us and share a range of different toys for us to play with and discuss.

Shelves of toys in toy library

Challenge- can you talk about your favourite toys with Grandma or Grandad? What did they love to play with when they were children? What is the same and what is different about the toys they played with?

Reading books and spellings should have all come home on Tuesday so you can read and practice your spellings together at home through the week. Please let me know if these didn’t make it home.

Miss Campey and Mrs Gill ๐Ÿ™‚



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Welcome Back Year 1

Welcome back Year 1. We hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are ready for our first week back. We will be talking lots as a class this week about 5R’s- our values and curriculum drivers. Here they are so you can talk about them at home too!

We will be looking for and celebrating children showing all of our values this week and every week so look out for your child coming home with a sticker. This means they have been noticed by an adult in school or another child for showing this value or curriculum driver in their learning.

Thank you

Miss Campey and Mrs Gill


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I am a Historian

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Snow Day Learning

Snow Day Learning Pack

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Skip 2B Fit

Year 1 loved our Skip 2B Fit session! They all showed resilience and determination in learning how to skip. Everyone tried their hardest to skip as many times as they could in two minutes.


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